
Ultimate Audio and Video


Goke is committed to providing a full range (including SD, HD, Ultra HD) of decoding chips and solutions for ultra HD video, and has launched direct broadcast satellite high-definition decoding chips, 4K/8K ultra-high-definition decoding chips, TV/commercial display chips, AR/VR, etc., bringing ultra HD video and splendid audio experience to daily life of people.

Provide various video processing chips and solutions for intelligent terminal manufacturers

· Major drafter of national radio and television industrial standards

· Leading supplier of direct broadcast satellite chips

· Core member of TVOS Working Group, member of AVS Industry Alliance, CUVA Ultra HD Video Industry Alliance and China Intelligent Family Industry Alliance

· Provide full range of chips and solutions for standard definition and HD direct broadcast satellite, terrestrial HD, wired HD and ultra HD IPTV/OTT

Prev:Intelligent Vision Smart Life
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